GOYA: Get Off Your A…….. well you get the picture.
GOYA Fridays were the brain child of talented Atlanta Photographer, Zack Arias. Specializing in music photography be sure to checkout Zack’s galleries at his website – usedfilm.com. You can find his blog with his GOYA’s and other interesting shots and thoughts at killthefill.com
A number of photographers that hang out in a certain photography forum have been participating. The basic idea is to get out once a week and shoot something you wouldn’t normally shoot. (As you’ll see below, this is definately not something I’d usually attempt!) The goal being to create something you’d be proud to see hanging in your local coffee shop, bearing your name. In my “entry” for last week I suggested that “it depends on the coffee shop.” (See the Ashes to Ashes, Rust to Rust post for last weeks photos). Well, I suspect it would take a very unusual coffee house to hang these… but hey! There could be one out there.
For this week’s GOYA, I’d headed over to Beaufort North Carolina’s waterfront in hopes of grabbing some “street photography” of tourists. Unfortunately, this isn’t exactly the “season” and the weather wasn’t particularly “looky-lou” friendly. Driving around this historic seaport I passed the “Old Burial Grounds,” a popular tourist “haunt” (pun intended) believe it or not. Being aware that someone had actually produced a coffee table book of photos taken in the grounds, I decided to give it a shot. For those not familiar with Beaufort’s “Old Burying Grounds,” in it rests remains of soilders/sailors from the American Revolution, the “War of Northern Agression,” (hey, I have to live here) and World War II. There are also graves of civilians, seamen, and vicitims of shipwrecks along our coast. It is a very historical and unusual place. (Oh, and if you happen across this Nick – this is for you, buddy).
One reply on “GOYA Febuary 03, 2006”
I love these Bob! I really do. Good way to GOYA man!