
Prom Night!

I had the honor of capturing a few shots of Danielle & Mark prior to there diner reservations. What great fun. I hope you enjoy.

 Adding a little texture

More texturing during post processing

Tux & Dress

Taking it easy

Bridal Personal Portraits Wedding

Fashion Bridal Session

I had a fun shoot with Michelle Wednesday afternoon. I wanted to expand my fashion bridals portfolio a bit and she was interested in having some photos done. To make it a bit more challenging we chose to start the shoot at mid-afternoon, i.e. harsh, strong sunlight. There are a few of the edgier, “rock star” photographers that never shy away from harsh lighting conditions. I wanted to give it a go myself. Here are a few images from the shoot.

Window light combined with video light

In the bright afternoon sun

Bride in a doorway at Fort Macon State Park

Fun with a 9 foot wedding veil.

Doorway duotone.

Personal Portraits

Ryan Gets a Hat

I had to be in Indiana on family business last week and enjoyed an impromtu portrait session with Ryan while there. He was quite proud of an old hat he’d acquired.

Engagement Portraits

Jennifer & Blake – Morehead City Engagement Photos

This was my first chance to meet Jennifer and Blake.  I’ll be covering their wedding next Sunday.  A fun couple with a nice sense of playfulness.


Kelly & Anthony – Atlantic Beach Portrait Session

Kelly and Anthony wanted some portraits done before Christmas.  We spent a windy afternoon at the beach make photos.

Portraits Uncategorized

Sitting in a Hotel Room

I thought I’d take a moment to jot down a quick note or two while I’m sitting in my hotel room, near Washington DC.  Tomorrow morning I’ll be attending a seminar conducted by notable Austrailian Portrait photographer, Tero Sade.  I always look forward to learning more about the art, science and business of photography.

I’m enrolled in one more seminar for the year.  Continuing education is so important as a tool to grow ones skills, vision and business.  It’s also a commitment one should make to insure they provide the best for their customers.


The McGradys do Atlantic Beach!

Amy, John & Liam arranged for a late August beach portrait session during their recent stay.  John is soon to be on his way back to Afganastan.  Thank you for your service John and a big thank you to your family for their sacrifice as well.



Atlantic Beach Portrait Session

I met the Smith’s… John, Regina and Wesly… at Fort Macon State Park for a beach portrait session, Aug. 08, 2007.  Somehow we mangaed to miscommunicate and ended up in different parking lots, scratching our heads and wondering where the other was.  Fortunately we got it figured out and got together for a nice little shoot before it got too dark.

Bridal Portraits

This Old Dress!

I was invited to participate in a post wedding bridal session.  Frequently referred to as a Trash The Dress or Anti-bridal session, these shoots aren’t really about the dress.  The goal is to make some interesting images of the bride or bride and groom in a setting not usually associated with wedding portraits.  If the dress gets a little soiled in the process… well, oh well! Honestly these things rarely result in the dress being truely destroyed, but I’m sure it’s happened.  The real idea is to get some fun, playful, maybe even sexy or romantic photos of the bride or bride and groom.  The location can be some place they think would be cool.  Or it could have some special meaning to the couple.   While these shoots frequently involve water shots there’s no reason that they have to.  It really depends on what the bride and groom wants and how “playful” they’re willing to be in front of the camera.  

 So why put the dress at risk?  Of the three “brides,” two were already married, one soon to be.  For one of the married ladies it “seemed better than letting it hang in the closet drawing dust.”  For another (paraphrasing), “I’ve been married 9 years, had two kids and have worked very hard to get back to a size that I was when I got married.  This is a celebration of that accomplishment.”  And for the bride to be?  Well after purchasing the dress she found another she liked better.  No one seemed to want to buy it on Craigs List so she figured what the heck, might as well have some fun!.  Hope you enjoy the photos… oh and  “no brides were injured during the making of these photographs!”  Want to see more? Here’s the This Old Dress Slide Show


Kevin, Ashely & Kaylee

June 25 family session: