
Website and Blog Re-Design

As you’ve probably noticed, the R.D. Decker Photography website has a new look. There were several factors behind the re-design. First and foremost the previous site was based on a platform that was not friendly to many devices like smart phones and tablets. Even on those platforms where the site could be viewed navigation was difficult to impossible. That was simply an unacceptable situation. The complete site should now be visible to everyone, whether they’re an “Apple” or a “PC,” on a iDevice or Android.

One of the big drawbacks to the old site was that it wasn’t particularly user friendly on the administration side. It was just difficult to make changes and updates, to add photos and to change text. The new platform will make these kinds of things much easier for me.

While re-working the site I also wanted to make some significant changes to it’s message and focus. So many photographers… or at least their websites… seem focused on the photographer not the bride & groom. When you think about it that’s kind of a shame! A wedding is about the joining of two lives, a wonderful commitment and celebration with friends and family. It isn’t just another opportunity to add to the photographer’s portfolio. The focus on a wedding shouldn’t be about how good a blog post it will make or if it naming the venue and location will help out with SEO (search engine optimization). You first. Your wedding… your day. That is where the focus belongs.

I also wanted to make sure things were a bit more transparent than they were. Unlike other photographers I’ve always listed a starting price for wedding coverage. But I wasn’t sure if the way it was presented was clear enough. I took this opportunity to do some reformatting that will hopefully make it easier to understand what’s included in my coverage and the kinds of customizations options available as well. A big part of the “you first” attitude is that you should be forced into choosing between a few “cookie cutter, one size fits all” types of packages.

Rather than spending too much time explaining the site… I can get a little long-winded if I’m not careful… I’ll stop here and just suggest you take a look around for yourself. I hope you like what you see.

By admin

Robert (Bob) is a professional wedding photographer living along North Carolina's Crystal Coast. He specializes in wedding and lifestyle portraiture.

One reply on “Website and Blog Re-Design”

Not long-winded at all, I think you explained it very well, wedding photography is about the clients, and you have made your blog and website to reflect that. You’ve really done a nice job of it! Your client’s will love it!

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